And there's no mistaking that you are alive when you start hearing the to the humming of hungry life forms buzzing around happily at the sight and smell of fresh meat. So...if you do decide to take this nature walk, please, I'm begging you PLEASE, don't forget to take your bug repelant. I mean who on earth actually gets a thrill out of having thirsty little blood suckers drink from our unwilling body?
I guess I could say that biting bugs are about the only price to pay for a little peace and relaxation.
Yeah, harmless little, swell-your-whole-hand bugs such as this:
Diachlorus ferrugatus (Fabricius) commonly known as Yellow Fly or as we call it here in Belize,
I guess I could say that biting bugs are about the only price to pay for a little peace and relaxation.
Yeah, harmless little, swell-your-whole-hand bugs such as this:

Docta (Doctor) Fly. Talk about OUCH Maaaama!!!
Some girls like the beach...I like the woods/jungle just a tad bit more. Why? Well, I'd have to say solitude. Don't get me wrong...I love the beach and the smell of the ocean the only thing is, there has only been a few lucky times that I have been on a beach and have it be deserted and all to myself. It is so wonderful when hardly anyone is there, but there is only a few times this could ever occur, short of having your own private island. The times when I managed to pull this off was usually a mid Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Not so when you choose mother earths tree infested counterpart, it's only you and whoever you take with you. If you're wondering...no, I'm not anti-social or anything; I just like having some time-out. You know...to get away from it all. Time to reflect and think. Sometimes to stop thinking and simply observe.

Well this Saturday's outing was with my immediate and extended family. An amazing four generations of females namely my grandmother: Bartola, my mother:Ana, myself and my little daughter:Rashidah, who's happlily munching on some lemon and pepper flavored chips. Rashidah isn't my grand mother's only great grand child. My sister has blessed her with an amazing four others. The only difference is that Rashidah is here in Belize while, my sister and her family are in the USofA. Such a shame cause life goes by so quickly and it is a moment such as this that stops time and assists in bringing to life the value of family.
So all in all swatting bugs on this particular outing was definitely a small price to pay for this poster worthy photo op.
Good Job darling!...Finally made your blog too huh?! looks real good. can i have a piece of chocolate?
aaaahhhh...the woods...what an experience what a thrill. Hope you love being with your extended family out in the woods...cuz we love it..I guess the only thing..we should have been a lil more prepared...but it was wonderful..enjoyed spending time together.
all my love,
A warm welcome to the blogosphere.
I'm all for solitude and being one with nature. It's been forever since I've taken a walk in the woods. It's good to earthed every now and again.
By the way, have you seen the new GE commercials? Not sure how new they are but I saw them last night. GE is doing some pretty cool environmental stuff I believe everyone should see.
Thanks sweetie, I'm glad you like it, and thank you for showing me how to put up my banner. You know I wouldn't have been able to personalize this page with out your help in that department. Spank ya later.
Thank you for the warm welcome Sasquatch. One o' these days, if you continue being a good boy, we'll take you with us. Outings like that are good for the heart, sole and spirit.
As for the commercials, well I'll have to let Roy show me them on his pc cause mine here at the house doesn't have any speakers...boo hoo hoo. But thanks for the 411
My last nature walk was at night so although I did smell all those wonderful things....my visuals were down.
I love the out doors! I just wish I had a kindred spirit who lives near by to walk with. It gets lonely walking alone all the time. When you come to Cayo, give me a shout and I will show you one of my favourtie places on the earth.
It's funny that your name is Beth (Elizabeth I wonder.) cause I always imagined my self as Anne... if you don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about, hakuna matata. It's just not everyday you meet someone that understands the phrase kindred spirit...or uses it for that matter. LOL
But yes, if I do find myself in in Cayo I'll be sure to seek you out... I really, really love it down south, Stann Creek and Cayo... That is were I would wish to live...In a cozy home, on a hill, that is off road, in the quiet wilderness, (but not that far from simple luxuries of modern day living) if it wasn't for those darn sand flies...uh-uh..me no like! But who knows...
Ever since I read the Anne of Green Gables series I have wanted to change my name to Anne, with the silent e at the end!
But all of my life... I have wanted to have a more..unique name... something like Amora, or Allie or Alia. Whenever I write stories about myself I always give myself an interesting name.
Sandflies....? Aren't those near the water? I haven't had problems with those evil creatures since my trip to PG...
Ah, I hoped you and I were on the same page. I too loved that series, but unfortunately I only got to see the movies, my Aunt recorded it for us when we were children and I use to watch the tapes over and over and over. I would love to read the stories, sometimes movies don't give good novels justice...but perhaps this one does because it had the same effect on me. Ann with an e, I thought I had a wild imagination...though when I use to talk to myself...I imagined it was God I was talking to.
Oh and yes, they are by the sea, but they are also in Steadfast Valley...where I use to stay when I visited the same aunt that sent me the Anne of Green Gables video series. It's such a wonderful place...her home even has a natural creek/stream that runs through it down the hill in her back yard and further down the road, a waterfall. Ahhhh sweet childhood memories.
On a side note they've declared the waterfall a national park now "Billy's Bacadia."
THE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES MOVIES DISGRACE THE BOOKS. I know that some times they have to add and and change a few things because something are more easily portrayed with words then with actions and dialog. But many of the principles the books flow on are twisted and cut up in the movies. For example, Gilbert is not an over emotional jerk and Anne wasn't ever unsure of herself about him... (the rest is for you to find out) The movies are good for what they are, but the books are a million times better. Next time 'Quatch is in town I will have to send them to you through him. I don't have the whole series, but I send what I have. Montgomery was a God sent.
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