Back in January we were called and told that we were nominated for the award and wanted to do a testimonial video, that if we do win it will be showed at the ceremony. The 8th Annual Award Ceremony was held at Belize's Biltmore Hotel on January 25th and sure enough we won. It was a wonderful experience.

I'm so happy that all our efforts to keep our place looking lovely, our rooms kept clean and our staff friendly have a paid off. I take anything that happens here very, very personally whether it be negative or positive. Trust little staff can vouch for that. I will chew them up if something wasn't done the right way, but also praise them when they have done well. Praise is a two way road and though in my position I don't get it first hand, when I my establishment gets a compliment, I feel honored and happy.
Thanks to the Belize Tourism Board for having such awards, it goes straight to the heart of the awarded.
Here's the little advertisement I did for Belize's tourist magazine: Destination Belize. It's on page 162 of the 2008 edition.

Can I stay there sometime?
Of course you can!!! Sometime, anytime... as long as we aren't booked out. I'd hate to have to kick someone out of their room...but would for you.
Hmmm...I hope they don't take my award away for saying that...muuuhuuhahaha
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