"All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!"
Lucy Van Pelt in Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Feel like Italian anyone?

I was surfing the tube and stopped on the Discovery Channel...I couldn't look away... people eating and actually enjoying this cheese that was filled with maggots!
Maggot Cheese (Cazu Marzu)
It was just wrong. Perhaps if it was drenched in smooth, creamy milk chocolate, I'd be curious enough to try it...then again, I don't think I'd be able to eat something that is still moving.
But you know what, it makes me all the more curious to visit Italy...before it was for sentimental reasons... Buon giorno, oggi e mercoledi...(Good morning today is Wednesday) or was it e oggi mercoledi...never mind that was about all I could remember.

At this moment I will pay a tribute to my 5th Grade elementary teacher at Pines Lake Elementary School...Mrs. Emberger. It was her desire to teach some 9 year olds about her home country and how to play bingo in Italian. She taught us how to count in itallian and before I left she was moving on to everyday objects. Imagine learning a foreign language wasn't even in the curriculum... or was it, I shall never know...too bad I only got to spend one term there, hence my limited...correction...non existing knowledge of the language.

All the more curious, I recall her asking the class what do we order when we go to an Italian restaurant and of course Spaghetti and pizza were just about the only thing anyone said, so she relayed to us that there was a lot more to enjoy and we shouldn't limit ourselves to the norm, something about the shrimps still having their head on...ech, she also told us about this place, a cliff where I think a rail road crosses over the top and at the bottom is where they sell gold jewelry, curious... I really liked her, hmmm I wonder whatever happened to her.

Here's to you Mrs. Emberger and to all the teachers that go the extra mile to try and broaden young and curious minds. She was definitely a special lady....Photo coming soon(I know I have one somewhere)...

On another note...as the memories come crashing forward, she was teaching us Italian while a couple of naughty kids were busy learning French under the our portable...kids, go figure.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Terrible Twos?

Well my little darling, Rashidah, "turned two" on July 15th so we threw her a little party on Saturday the 14th with the theme as My Little Pony. She just loves horses, so her daddy arranged for her to have one at the party. That's him holding the horse. He said she didn't want to get down...go figure.

I really hope that her third year of life isn't as you know... terrible as people have led us to believe, and if it is destined to be terrible, I will say it now, that I hope her teen years won't be as bad as this coming one.

As it is, there is no mistaking that she has a mind of her own...she's determined, focused for the most part, not easily fooled, very polite, kind, funny, smart, basically an overall good little girl. She loves books, so as you can imagine, I'm really happy about that (at least she got something from me.) On the downside, she has a bit of a greed in her, too. She has this appetite for money... I mean scary, she will cry if you don't give her money...and if you ask her what she wants the money for, she will tell you "buy coke" or "buy chips" she use to say "bank" meaning she wants to put it in her piggy bank but I believe she now knows that money is used for purchasing stuff...a lesson learned too early. I wonder, what age do they say is a good one to start teaching children how to manage their money?

Back to her birthday party. I decided to make her cake, and thank the good Lord it didn't come out that bad, and far better than last year's...I got the idea off the net, to have a cake with a rainbow leading down to another one which was a lifesaver because I wasn't sure what to do. Of course I added my ideas to it...The cake on the decorated Kilm can, represented the ponies in a magical land in the sky...and the rainbow represented the transportation device that brings them to our world, so at the bottom of the rainbow I placed a small "my little pony, facing two small horses on a hill..The reason why the cakes were divided like land and water...I don't know...but it looked like a good idea.

She blew out her own candles,I don't recall if she was able to do it last year...I did whisper to her to make a wish.. should I be selfish and hope that Rashidah wished that Mommy's cake decorating skills would magically get better? LOL no, I'll have to remember to teach her about Solomon so that when she makes a wish, hopefully she'll ask for wisdom.

Funny thing, now that she knows how to blow candles out I realized that we have to
be careful when invited to birthday parties.
She went to Geovaughn's party on the 29th (who by the way was the first to arrive at her party=>)
when it was time for the Birthday song and
cake they placed her next to the birthday boy and placed the cake in front of them...when they did that my heart skipped a beat...the funny thing is she looked right at me with this expression of uncertainty, so I told her no pumpkin don't touch...and she put her head down and tapped the table with her little fingers, as they lit the candle and placed one in front of her and the other in front of Geovaughn I was like OMG so I got up and told her don't blow it out remember it's Geovaughn's birthday cake, I could hear her reply in her tiny voice, "jovan burtday cake, happy burtday to jovan" And I told her yes darling we're gonna sing happy birthday to Geovaughn.

I'm telling you, she has a mind boggling level of understanding, she really surprises me. Maybe if I have another baby, I'll know if it's normal... then again I'll probably need two more to really tell...but when you really think about it, if I have more kids just to try to find out what's normal, I'll be judging them...so never mind, I'll just be happy that she's progressing well. (Smile)

By the way, Lucy, Geovahn's mom, ended up telling Rashidah to help blow out the candles, the birthday boy was a little scared and didn't want to do it.

Looking back now, saying that they grow fast, is really an understatement. I want to make her get small again...to think that Roy wants her to start school next year is frightening. Growing up has its perks though, it was nice having having little hands around to help me with the preparation, I wonder if she will want to help again next year...

I do have one regret:not getting to spend time with her at her party, even the adults for that matter...perhaps next year, I'll let Roy be in charge of the children...hmmm... then again maybe not. At least I have a little hope that even though I didn't actually get to spend time with her, that she understood that this was all for her...

that this was "happy burtday to shi-dah."

As for the my question...is the year leading up to the third birthday as bad as they say... I guess that has yet to be determined...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Banana Crumb Muffin

Well, I'm so happy to say that the muffins were a success!
I took this picture before they all disappeared.

This one is of one of our guests,Heidi, she was saying "Warm banana muffins."
No, it's not your eye... it's blurry. My hand shook because I was nervous and perhaps a bit off balance on account of my swollen head...This compliment was too good not to tell you.
Heidi burst in the lobby and said:
"You guys are doing a killing with these muffins, my girls are telling me that I have to try these, if I don't I will regret it for the rest of my life."
That was enough to swell my head and make me curious as to how these things taste.
So I secretly hoped they'd get their fill and still have left over and God must have listened to me... cause I got to taste one and it was surprisingly awesome.

Even my brother ate it and wanted more
and that's cause fruit-made stuff like that are
not his idea of something nice to eat. He said it's the
crunchy top that makes it sooooo good.
He was so inspired by it he drew this picture=>

I can't believe how easy they are to make...You have got to try these! The link to the recipe is below on the previous entry.
Or if you want you can stop by the hotel on Sunday morning and get one...LOL...I think I just might be making another batch then.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Long Time No See

So much has happened since my last blog...sad times, happy times, bored times, stressed times...I'm starting to realize that I need more fun times, life is way too short. Thing is my idea of FUN has changed with time. Right now just having time to paint my nails and actually letting it dry without getting polished smeared or toes stepped on by my active toddler would be fun. At this point my expectations of what categorizes fun is very low.

There just aren't enough hours in the day and weekends go by too fast, by the time it ends and the work week begins I feel as though I would have been better off working the weekend... Sad I know.

Current Life necessity:
Hobby that:
  • Doesn't require 100% attention for a long period of time(toddler may be present)
  • Can be done by myself or with little helping hands (when they're present)
  • instant esteem builder
  • productive
  • not messy
  • Can be done both during the day and night so that it can fit in with "when I have time"
Any thoughts?

Anyways I'm about to finish cleaning up this messy kitchen o mine and prepare for an early bake...


Reason: Complimentary Treat for my guests...Ok all our guest are special but these ones have booked out ALL our rooms and are staying for a week...so a small token shouldn't hurt. (Every now and then I do something spontaneous...I know consistency is good, but I honestly don't have time to do this for everyone.)
Downer: I need to have these ready and out the door by 6AM cause I understand they are early risers.
Upper: Ready in 35min

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Bake, Bake, Bake

Seems like a weekly thing now.

Tonight will be
  • marble pound cake...a fluffy, moist, simple pastry with a hint of chocolate swirl
  • candy bar brownies...a sinfully wicked treat moist brownies with caramel
  • cupcakes...made with pound cake batter and decorated pretty.
No, it's not for my family, it's for our hotel lobby... I know that will be a bummer for my peanut... he just looooooves these brownies.

The cup cakes are another story, I really need only two... we are having a wedding couple stay here, normally I do a little gift box with chocolate that I make... but this time I'm thinking I will do a little extra, I'll stick a "bride" chocolate lollipop on one decorated cupcake and a "groom" one on another... and put a few "congratulations" bars all around. I can't imagine anyone not liking that. I guess I'm going out a little more for these two because this is the first time both the bride and groom came to see the room, along with mommy...and they were so happy, there was no mistaking the love there.

Another delight that will be in our little "goodies" showcase, is Mrs. Emily's Lemon Pie...
boy it's good..but now a days her presentation is a little off... I saw one made by someone else the other day that made me want to devour it just because it looked so good...with perfectly formed browned tipped peeks...
if only I had the time, I'd make it myself. Who knows... perhaps this weekend.

Images to come soon, but now I wait for my night shift to come in and I'm off to go swim...yes I know it's 6pm and I'll probably end up with a cold, but who cares.... Thank God for oranges, vitamin C in a pill, Robitussin...or Contac...or Tylenol Cold or Cold- Eze w/zinc

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter 2007

Where were you last Easter? Sometimes its hard enough to remember what happened yesterday let alone a whole year ago. However, thank the good Lord for photographs. Our first Easter with Rashidah was spent together at home we played in bed and watched our 9 month baby grab and tear at the easter basket her grandmother had gotten her. If I could recall correctly she opened her Easter basket the night before and then Sunday morning we got ready and went to Church...Rashidah even joined the choir.

This Easter was not quite like that. When I woke up this morning, I knew what I needed to do, after all I had obligations....turning my kitchen upside down to do so. I had almost forgotten the events of the past night... although I would have loved to. I mean, living a sweet fantasy that everything is good does seem better than enduring the harsh reality that it isn't. Don't you think.

Just when I thought that perhaps getting out of bed was a bad idea, I couldn't help being snapped back to reality that there is someone young and innocent that is craving attention. Her little crys go unheard within the bedroom inwhich she was sleeping. The sadness that she felt of being in solitude even though she was not alone in there, was evident in her sobs. "Not yet" I thought "I'm almost finished." I had just enough time to finish up, wash my hands and go to get her, what I didn't have time for was our normal morning ritual (crawling back in bed with her and cuddle with her until she is satisfied that she is fully awake and her morning tears turn to sweet smiles and giggles) no, not today, I know it's a special day. But I can't and this is much to her dismay. One, last nagging request and her diaper is changed.

Rashidah is a small thing and only 20 months old but she is so determined. Spoiled if you may because she is use to getting her way. Fine, you don't want to put on your close, so be it. In diapers alone, we hurry out the front door, with our cargo to deliver, and her special treats to get hidden.

Rashidah's first Easter Egg Hunt. Weeks ago we prepared for this, scattering eggs in the living room chanting "Hurry Rashidah, find the eggs and put them in your basket." She is a smart one, because no sooner did she find the first one that she knew what she was to do. But that was weeks ago, would she remember that she's is to find the egg and put it in her basket? What a silly question, after the Easter Bunny scattered the eggs all over her grand parents yard, she was set free to go find the lovely presents. "Mo, mo" she begged as she picked up one precious egg at a time, looking and looking to see if more can be found. What a shame it was only her and I, yet what a small blessing to my heart to give her such joy. If I could have only held it in, things would have been different.
As I stood there taking photos of her and hinting where others may be, I couldn't help but think how fast time goes. How big she seems, yet how so very small. This Easter she went to church with her grandparents...and again they said she went up with the choir... Her sweet little smile touches my heart in a way I can not discribe. All I can do is thank God above, for allowing me to spend this time with her.

I know that the world still turns even after my own world seems to have suffered yet another earthquake. The reality is everyone will get out of it alive and well...how well? That is yet to be seen.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Why Kissing is Important

Before we get into this topic, just a few things have to be said.
  1. Further research needs to be done in order to confirm what you are about to read.
  2. This is based on a chocolate-loving monkey's opinion and confirmed by some links below.
  3. Considering there is a time and place for everything, the type of kiss being referred to is not so much the tight little closed-mouth perfunctory ones. Today's discussion is based on the type of kissing that searches souls and the ones that,at times, make knees weak, heads dizzy, and bodies quiver...the ones that stops time and convince one that everything can wait and nothing is important except you and your partner, right here, right now. Ultimately, the type that makes you go out and buy chocolate to satisfy your unsatisfied desire.
When thinking about how exquisite being engaged in a kiss is, it only causes one to wonder why couples don't do it often enough. Or why does it seem to end after courting.

The relationship:

Boy meets girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl likes Boy. They share a first kiss, sweet, innocent, wonderful. They continue getting to know each other. Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Kisses become more passionate. Boy & Girl feel like life would not be the same without each other. Time passes. Whether they get married or not, the relationship has its ups and downs. Problems go unsolved. Kisses come less often. Kisses become perfunctory or stop all together. Arguments continue, you fall out of love. Relationship/marriage ends. Boy and Girl are left to wonder "What happened? Where did we go wrong."

Depressing I know. Really and truly sad, but it doesn't have to be that way. I don't want to make it seem so trivial, I mean the mighty creator above knows that many factors could cause disagreements between a couple, from petty things like not taking out the trash, to major things like infidelity, yet so many disagreements could be solved, prevented or repaired with an intimately passionate kiss. Ha, I can even say a scowl on your partners face could disappear with a few playful kisses on the cheek or by the ear.

This is why I second the motion that:
Work + Kiss = a healthy marriage/relationship.
I mean if you, while young, let passion die then what other glue do you have to help keep that relationship going? Of course, friendship, communication, and trust are vital and I can't really speak on behalf of men, but for womankind KISSES are very essential. They comfort us, remind us that we are loved and desired. Kisses really do ease the mind, not only after a fight, but especially out of the blue, just because "I love you."

A relationship is hard work, "fights" do happen. There is a reason why they say "kiss and make up." An affectionate kiss gives you a chance to feel each others soul, to awaken the spirit of desire, and remember the love that you found in each other in the first place. Granted, the passion of kissing will in reality fade meaning that kisses won't always cause the same knee weakening effect it did at the start of the relationship, however that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to keeping the passion alive by kissing.

On a side note
"Kiss and make up" may lead to "make up sex"... but not the other way around. The other way around could lead to an unsatisfying mental state...not a good thing.

In conclusion,
couples have forgotten one of the things that set them together in the first place....the first kiss... So, why not continue kissing your partner? Why not engage her/him in some tender and intimate soul searching?

If you or someone you know may have forgotten how to kiss direct them to the link below, it may help save their relationship.

How to Kiss someone passionately (humorous but not intended for the eyes of minors)
"Work + Kiss = a happy marriage"
(Dan Cornin's comment)
Kissing Connectivity (Makes so much sense)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sweet little you.

My sweet, little Princess,
How you grow so fast!
It was only yesterday that I saw you for the first time,
Heard your first coo, watched you pull up, took your first step,
Pookie, you were born with knowing eyes, so unexpected.

My sweet little Clown,
How you make me laugh!
Smiling with cheeks stained with cheese flavored chips
Playing the teasing game you taught us and wearing daddy's shoes,
Rara, you are so loveable, you melt my heart.

My sweet, little Rascal,
Please slow down your pace.
It's hard to believe that you're running around now,
Causing minor chaos, spilling cups of water, breaking mommys make-up,
Hala, don't cry, I may get angry but I love you anyway.

My sweet little Angel,
You fill my heart with love!
You inspire me in more ways than you will ever know,
Bringing home flowers, giving little big hugs and showering your sweet kisses,
Pumpkin, you are blessing sent from God above.

My sweet little Rashidah,
Mommy will always be here for you.
Singing the songs you love to hear, the ones that make you laugh and dance,
Giving you hugs, wiping your tears, kissing your boo-boos,
You are everything I could ever want in a daughter.

Everything and more.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ahhh...the great outdoors

If there is anything I can advise you to do before you leave planet earth, I'd have to say, take a stroll through the woods or jungle and while you do this, take time to inhale the aroma of your surroundings. Breath in the moist green folliage mixed with the woodsy smell of decomposing sticks and leaves. Feel the soft earth and listen to the crunchy crinkling of dry leaves beneath your booted feet. Appreciate all of God's great wonder in something so simple as the world in its natural self. Isn't it just wonderful to be alive!

And there's no mistaking that you are alive when you start hearing the to the humming of hungry life forms buzzing around happily at the sight and smell of fresh meat. So...if you do decide to take this nature walk, please, I'm begging you PLEASE, don't forget to take your bug repelant. I mean who on earth actually gets a thrill out of having thirsty little blood suckers drink from our unwilling body?

I guess I could say that biting bugs are about the only price to pay for a little peace and relaxation.
Yeah, harmless little, swell-your-whole-hand bugs such as this:
Diachlorus ferrugatus (Fabricius) commonly known as Yellow Fly or as we call it here in Belize,
Docta (Doctor) Fly. Talk about OUCH Maaaama!!!

Some girls like the beach...I like the woods/jungle just a tad bit more. Why? Well, I'd have to say solitude. Don't get me wrong...I love the beach and the smell of the ocean the only thing is, there has only been a few lucky times that I have been on a beach and have it be deserted and all to myself. It is so wonderful when hardly anyone is there, but there is only a few times this could ever occur, short of having your own private island. The times when I managed to pull this off was usually a mid Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Not so when you choose mother earths tree infested counterpart, it's only you and whoever you take with you. If you're wondering...no, I'm not anti-social or anything; I just like having some time-out. You know...to get away from it all. Time to reflect and think. Sometimes to stop thinking and simply observe.

Well this Saturday's outing was with my immediate and extended family. An amazing four generations of females namely my grandmother: Bartola, my mother:Ana, myself and my little daughter:Rashidah, who's happlily munching on some lemon and pepper flavored chips. Rashidah isn't my grand mother's only great grand child. My sister has blessed her with an amazing four others. The only difference is that Rashidah is here in Belize while, my sister and her family are in the USofA. Such a shame cause life goes by so quickly and it is a moment such as this that stops time and assists in bringing to life the value of family.

So all in all swatting bugs on this particular outing was definitely a small price to pay for this poster worthy photo op.